I am a Web Developer at GB News, where I apply my technical expertise to enhance the delivery of digital news and improve the overall user experience on the company’s website. I bring over a year of dedicated web development experience complemented by a rigorous “full stack developer” coding traineeship completed with IT Career Switch. Before transitioning to web development, I spent 12 years in the financial sector, where I developed a strong set of skills that have been extremely beneficial in my current role.
City: London, UK
Web Developer
I utilise a bespoke Content Management System (CMS), where I primarily focus on frontend development, which include providing CSS and JavaScript solutions for change requests. Additionally, I develop backend components on the CMS to optimise performance and ensure web security for API access.
I have integrated several 3rd party modules and SDKs to the site, including those for advertising and to enhance the user experience and promote engagement. I proactively integrate Core Web Vitals into my development, to ensure our website ranks well with SEO and provides an engaging user experience.
Education & Employment Summary
Below is a summary of my work experience and education. Please click for a copy of my full CV.
GB News
May 2023 - Present
Key member of digital delivery enhancing growth and improving user experience on our company's website
Key Involvements include:
- Working in an Agile environment and A/B Testing
- Site monitoring
- Analytics integration
- Integrate 3rd party SDKs from various suppliers
Full Stack Developer Traineeship
Jun 2022 - May 2023
Completed a rigorous coding traineeship with IT Career Switch, demostrating technical skills and practices
Development Experience
Created two real-world projects successfully using some of the programming languages I learnt. See projects in my portfolio
Previous Experiences
Before transitioning to web development, I spent 12 years in the financial sector, where I developed a strong set of skills that have been extremely beneficial in my current role
Mortgage and Protection Advisor
2019 - 2022
Bright Sun, London
- Problem-solving
- Accuracy and attention to detail
- Effective communication
Personal Banker / Customer Services
2010 - 2019
Santander Bank, London
- Time management
- Working in controlled environments
Certification in Mortgage Advice and Practice
Degree: BSc(Hons) Pharmaceutical Studies
2005 - 2009
De Montfort University, Leicester
2003 - 2005
3 A Levels and 10 GCSEs
The specification was to reply to a website specification for a map-based app to provide information on countries – with a focus on a “mobile-first” development. Preferably using a framework, to then develop HTML, CSS and JavaScript with JQuery modules that use PHP server-based components to source data from third-party APIs (Geonames, OpenWeather). The solution is assessed on its delivery to specification, functionality, and usability.
Company Directory
A more rigorous reply to this specification was required as a user requirements document was needed to be prepared which, when signed off, triggers the release of SQL allowing to develop a “mobile first” application to maintain a company personnel database (MySQL). Sign-off is only achieved upon the student supplying an independently witnessed document providing confirmation of the system’s ability to perform error-free.